Bylaws of the Twin City Aero Historians

  1. The name and location: The name of the organization is the Twin City Aero Historians [hereafter referred to as T.C.A.H.]. The principal location for the transaction of business shall be in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN or other locations as T.C.A.H. may subsequently choose.
  2. Purpose: The purpose of T.C.A.H. shall be to collect, preserve and disseminate information concerning aviation, and to encourage interest in scale modeling.
  3. Membership: Membership in T.C.A.H. is open to anyone with an interest in aviation history, without limitation as to the number of members. Membership shall comprise of five types:
    1. Regular: Regular members shall be required to pay annual dues, be invested with the right to vote and be awarded all privileges to which regular members shall be entitled.
    2. Junior: Junior members shall be required to pay annual dues (at one-half the rate of Regular members), be awarded all privileges to which regular members shall be entitled.
    3. Senior: Senior members shall be required to pay annual dues (at one-half the rate of Regular members), be invested with the right to vote and be awarded all privileges to which regular members shall be entitled.
    4. Honorary: An individual whose membership has been awarded for an outstanding contribution to T.C.A.H. or the field of aviation. Honorary members do not pay dues or have the right to vote or to hold office.
    5. Life: An honor, which may be awarded by vote in a meeting called for said purpose to a long-standing member with distinguished and measurable (e.g. T.C.A.H. Officer, contest chairman, newsletter editor, etc.) service to T.C.A.H. who has relocated to a geographic area that would preclude regular attendance of meetings. Life members do not pay dues, but retain all other rights and privileges accorded to Regular members.
  4. Removal of members: Any member who willfully violates these by-laws, or in any way demonstrates action detrimental to the well being of T.C.A.H., or any of its members, shall be subject to removal by two-thirds majority vote of members present at a meeting called for said purpose. The member in question shall have the right to attend the meeting to offer such defense as he desires. If removed, he shall lose voting rights and any additional privileges accorded to regular members. He also will forfeit the remainder of paid dues.
  5. Meetings: Regular meetings shall be held on the second Saturday of every month. Business meetings shall be held as required. Special meetings may be called as required, by an officer or one-third of the membership.
    1. Notice of meetings: Notice of every regular and business meeting, stating time, location and purpose, shall be either mailed or made available electronically, to all members via a monthly newsletter.
    2. Quorum requirements: A minimum of five (5) members including one (1) Officer at any called meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
    3. Voting: The method of taking a vote shall be by voice or show of hands. In special circumstances, voting by written ballot may be approved by general consent or majority vote. A simple majority of votes cast is sufficient for the adoption or passage of any motion, excepting those specifically mentioned in the Constitution or these By-Laws. No member can vote except in person, no absentee ballots are allowed.
    4. Adjournment: When a meeting is adjourned to another time or place, notice of the adjourned meeting need not be given, other than the announcement at the meeting at which adjournment is taken.
  6. Officers: The officers of T.C.A.H. shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Sergeant At Arms with such powers and duties as may be determined by T.C.A.H. membership. The officers shall be elected annually by the membership at the regular meeting in the month of November. Any officer so elected shall hold office until the election of his successor, except in cases of resignation or removal. Officers must be regular members of T.C.A.H. and shall not hold more than one office concurrently. An officer may be removed, with or without cause, by a two-thirds majority vote of the voting membership.
    1. President: The President shall preside at all meetings of club members, and shall have and exercise general charge and supervision of affairs of T.C.A.H. He shall perform other duties as may be determined by T.C.A.H.
    2. Vice-President: At the request of the President or in the event of his absence or disability, the Vice-President shall perform the duties, possess and exercise the powers of the President. He shall perform other duties as may be determined by T.C.A.H.
    3. Secretary: The Secretary, (or in his absence, a designated alternate), shall preserve an accurate record of the proceedings and occurrences of all official meetings. In general, he shall perform all duties incident to the office of the Secretary. He shall perform other duties as may be determined by T.C.A.H.
    4. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and property of T.C.A.H., subject to such regulations as imposed by T.C.A.H. In general, he shall perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer. He shall perform other duties as may be determined by T.C.A.H.
    5. Sergeant at Arms: Under the direction of the Club President or other presiding officer, the Sergeant at Arms shall play an integral role in maintaining order and decorum at club meetings and club sponsored/hosted functions and to assist in practical details of organizing meetings.
  7. Records: T.C.A.H. shall keep at an agreed upon location, complete books of account and minutes of proceedings of meetings. A member acting in person or by agent may inspect all books and records for any proper purpose at any reasonable time.
  8. Amendments: The By-Laws may be amended as follows:
    1. A proposal is submitted for review and adoption at a meeting of members.
    2. Notice of meeting, stating the purpose, shall be given to each member entitled to vote on the proposed amendment as provided for in paragraph 5a of these By-Laws.
    3. At the meeting (or any adjournment thereof), the proposed amendment may be approved by a two-thirds majority vote. The Secretary shall ensure the approved amendment is written into the By-Laws.
  9. Funds: Money collected through membership dues, auctions, raffles or other events shall be accounted for by the Treasurer. He shall deposit this money into an established account (in the name of the Twin City Aero Historians). The Secretary and the Treasurer shall be authorized to draw against this account to pay for normal expenses incurred in operating T.C.A.H. The expenditure of funds outside of normal operating expenses in excess of $200.00 shall be decided by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present. Any excess funds may be carried over into the next fiscal year. We, the current officers of the Twin City Aero Historians, on behalf of the membership, find these By-Laws to be accurate, current and applicable.



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